WAY OUT Recovery

Affordable Outpatient Substance Use Treatment for the LGBTQ and HIV+ Communities

Are you struggling with an alcohol or drug problem, but haven’t been able to solve it on your own? Maybe you find yourself using more because of an increase in anxiety, depression, or other conditions that affect your mood or how you function. If you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or anything other than “straight,” or if you are transgender or do not conform to “standard” gender norms, you may not always feel able to express these identities. If living with HIV/AIDS, you may not feel safe talking about it in front of others.

One of the reasons we have been so successful in our 30+ years of treating substance use issues is that our licensed professional therapists not only specialize in this area, but they also understand how addiction can be complicated by other physical and mental health issues, gender identity and/or sexual orientation. We offer a safe and affirming treatment environment that lets you be yourself fully are without being judged or having to explain or justify who you are.

way-out-recovery-logoIf you’re ready to make a change, we encourage you to call and schedule an intake appointment. After assessing the nature of the problem, a counselor will make recommendations for services that best suit your needs. Services we offer include:

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

  • Group sessions 4 evenings per week
    Monday – Thursday, 6:00 – 8:15 p.m.
  • Weekly individual therapy sessions
  • Length of program:  varies, typically 8 weeks
  • Weekly time commitment: 13-16 hours per week*
  • Family of choice involvement (optional)
  • Emphasis on coping skills, mindfulness, distress tolerance, cognitive restructuring, relapse prevention, stages of addiction/recovery, co-occurring mental health issues, and sexual health
  • State-licensed
  • Minimum admission requirements: Active or recent and problematic substance use, stable living environment and ability to fully participate in group services. Other admission criteria apply. Court order does not guarantee admission.

Supportive Outpatient Program (SOP)

  • Group sessions every Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
  • Weekly individual therapy sessions
  • Length of program:  varies, typically 8 weeks
  • Weekly time commitment: 5-7 hours per week*
  • Emphasis on relapse prevention and recovery maintenance, mastery of coping and cognitive skills, ongoing management of co-occurring mental health issues, and sexual health
  • State-licensed
  • Minimum admission requirements: 90 days continuous abstinence OR transfer from higher level of care such as IOP, PHP or residential, and ability to fully participate in group services. Other criteria apply. Court order does not guarantee admission.
* Engagement in community recovery-supporting activities is required for IOP and SOP participation, and is reflected in the time commitment above. (Transportation time is not.) Approved activities must be in-person (vs. virtual/online) and include self-help recovery meetings (12-step or other); support groups; social activities based on a cause, interest, or faith; and health, wellness and fitness activities. Participants must also agree to work with a recovery coach (see below) or a mentor/sponsor for the duration of treatment. Our team will help you develop a plan to achieve these.

Individual/Family Substance Use Counseling 

  • Individual and family/couples counseling sessions
  • Individual emphasis on motivation for change, harm reduction, coping and refusal skills, relapse prevention / recovery maintenance, treatment of co-occurring mental health issues, and sexual health
  • Family emphasis on addiction/recovery education, healthy boundaries and effective communication

Case Management

  • Linkage with community resources to meet basic needs (housing, financial, transportation, medical, legal, etc.)
  • Available with all levels of care

Recovery Coaching 

  • Emotional and motivational support by a trained peer
  • Help achieving life goals
  • Help with quitting or reducing use, or maintaining recovery
  • Available with all levels of care

Medical Care

  • Initial and follow-up psychiatric consultation, with emphasis on stabilization and referral for ongoing care
  • Linkage to primary care (on-site via Legacy Community Health as well as other referrals)
  • Referrals for substance use detoxification, medication assisted treatment (MAT), residential and partial hospitalization

Why choose the Montrose Center?

Recovery demands complete honesty about who you are and what triggers your use. Unfortunately, many persons who are LGBTQ or HIV+ do not feel safe disclosing their orientation, identity or status in other treatment settings due to homophobia, heterosexism and discrimination. WAY OUT Recovery offers a safe and affirming environment that allows participants to focus on achieving recovery instead of defending themselves or educating others about who they are.

Our philosophy is that substance use disorder is a chronic and progressive but treatable disease. When left untreated, serious medical and mental health consequences result. The risks of not intervening include but are not limited to: serious damage to all systems of the body (that could lead to death), mental illness, and incarceration. People who suffer from chronic substance use disorders often experience losses with employment, financial security, significant relationships and personal freedom and integrity. Recovery involves arresting the use of substances, addressing co-occurring mental/physical health problems and underlying issues, and developing sound, lasting coping strategies and use of tools to avoid relapse.

How much does it cost?

We work with what you have. The Center accepts all insurance, including Medicare/Medicaid. Discounted fees are offered if you have no insurance and/or limited means. You may also qualify for grant subsidies to cover all or a portion of fees and co-payments based on your income. The bottom line is this:  Cost does not have to be a barrier to getting the care you need!  Talk to us before making that decision. You will not be denied services for inability to pay.
Read more about our fees »